Broadbandmap.nz: What technologies can you access?
With the government's plan to roll out Ultra-fast Fibre Broadband (UFB) to 75% of New Zealanders across 33 cities and towns by December 2019 making great headway, and the Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI) equally so, interest in what broadband technology you can get has never been stronger. Adding to this and certain to drive further interest and demand, MBIE and Crown Fibre Holdings are planning the next stages of UFB and RBI to make broadband available to smaller towns and more rural areas.
In June 2015, NZRS Ltd, in partnership with MBIE, launched a new National Broadband Map at broadbandmap.nz which enables any New Zealander to find out what broadband technologies are available at their home or place of work. This publicly accessible interactive map details the broadband technologies available to all addresses in New Zealand and with over 150,000 visits to date, broadbandmap.nz has proven itself as a great resource for anyone seeking to know what broadband options are open to them.
The new National Broadband Map relies on the support of 23 infrastructure providers to supply regular updates as they develop their Fibre, Cable, DSL and Wireless infrastructure across New Zealand. Broadbandmap.nz is updated regularly and new providers are putting their hands up to participate all the time.
In its most recent quarterly update MBIE reported that as at December 2015, 60% of the build in UFB1 areas has been completed. There are now over 162,913 households and businesses connected to UFB, a 22% increase in connections since the end of September 2015. UFB uptake is at 18.6%.
See what broadband options are available to you
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