Clever thinking offers entrepeneur global potential
Clever young entrepreneur Matt Knight was working for an advertising agency a few years back, while sitting as his desk watching colleagues being made redundant, an idea struck him. The agency was paying for beautiful office space, with great fittings and they should be recouping some of their expenses.
At that point the idea behind sharedspace.co.nz was born. A place where companies can list their unused office space so that others looking for a professional and collaborative space could find these listings and make contact.
Knight had also worked from home and really appreciates working in these type of progressive environments. It gives him people to collaborate with, to bounce ideas off.
While he acknowledges other similar sites exist overseas, he believes none of them have quite got the formula right. This presents a global opportunity for the idea, from which he hopes to leverage into Australia first.
Today the site is starting to take off with over 6,000 unique visitors each month, with plenty of headspace for growth. A lot of this initial success has been with creative professionals, although the scope is widening. He’s recently taken on two business partners, one a developer and one a creative director.
While the service is truly national, a lot of the previously listed space from Christchurch was destroyed in the second major quake in the region.
The site offers a range of options with standard listing costing just $59 for 6 months, this can be upgraded for just an extra $40 or you can splash out for the front cover for a total of $199.
We say good luck to Knight, it’s a great idea and we’ve taken the opportunity to list a couple of our spare desks (see them here), should you be too?
Visit www.sharedspace.co.nz for more info.