Don't wait for fibre, businesses should adopt VDSL now
The NZ Ultra Fast Broadband (UFB) rollout is an eight year project and many businesses will not have fibre optic cables running past their premises for many years.
Auckland based ISP Voyager Internet believes that instead of waiting for UFB, businesses should take advantage of VDSL technology. The technology is currently available to almost 60% of business addresses and is approximately five times faster than current ADSL technologies according to Voyager's CEO Seeby Woodhouse.
VDSL can achieve download speeds of up to 50Mbps download, and 10Mbit upload speeds. So it's about 5 x faster for downloads, and 12 times faster for uploads than ADSL2+ (Regular ADSL or ADSL2+ is limited to about 15mbit download speeds, and a meagre 800k upload speed)
Plus this new found speed comes from just $75 a month base fee.
Watch Voyager's explanatory video below or click here to look at their plans.