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Exclusive: Elsight CEO discusses future of drone delivery tech

Tue, 4th Jun 2024

Yoav Amitai, CEO of Elsight, has revealed how his company is poised to revolutionise the drone delivery industry through its innovative communication systems.

Elsight, a leader in highly reliable wireless communication technology, provides the underlying tech enabling drones to perform beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations.

"Elsight is not a drone manufacturer or a service provider," Amitai clarified. "We provide the technology that allows drones to achieve their full potential and travel long distances. Our approach is unique because we aggregate multiple networks into one robust pipeline of data, ensuring reliable and high-capacity communication."

One of the most significant applications of Elsight's technology is in drone deliveries, an area where the company is making substantial strides.

"Today, we're working with major partners like Walmart, which is already conducting drone deliveries in the U.S.," Amitai noted. "Customers can order urgent items through their app, and drones equipped with our systems deliver these items within 20 minutes."

Amitai shared his vision of the future of drone deliveries: "I don't think we'll see full carts of groceries flying through the air, but for light items up to 10 pounds, drone delivery is incredibly efficient. It's perfect for urgent needs, whether it's something you forgot for dinner or an emergency item."

Elsight's global reach is impressive, with clients in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, and even Australia. The company has been operational for around eight years, with a significant pivot three and a half years ago towards the drone and unmanned industry. "We launched our device in early 2021, and since then, we've been growing rapidly," Amitai said.

One of the exciting upcoming developments for Elsight is the launch of a new product specifically designed for DJI drones, the largest drone manufacturer in the world. "In September, we're launching a product that will allow commercial-grade DJI drones to perform long-distance, autonomous missions," Amitai revealed.

"This aftermarket kit will significantly upgrade existing drones, enhancing their capabilities and opening up new possibilities for remote operations."

Feedback from customers using drone delivery services has been overwhelmingly positive. "The best proof of our technology's value is repeat orders from customers," Amitai said.

"People are excited to receive items via drone, and it's still in the 'extremely cool' category. Over time, it will become a standard part of the delivery experience."

Elsight's technology addresses a critical challenge in the drone industry: maintaining constant communication between drones and their operators.

"Connection confidence is crucial," Amitai stressed.

"Losing communication with a drone can lead to a crisis. Our technology ensures reliable, uninterrupted communication, providing peace of mind for operators."

Discussing the broader impact of Elsight's technology, Amitai highlighted the significant growth potential of the drone industry. "Airservices Australia predicts that drone flights will grow from 1.5 million per year now to 60 million by 2043. That's just around the corner and shows how fast this industry is evolving," he said.

"We're seeing similar growth in our own revenue, doubling between the third and fourth quarters of last year and continuing that trend into this year."

While Elsight's primary focus is on commercial and Government-level applications, Amitai did not rule out the possibility of developing a mobile app in the future. "We might create a dashboard app for operators and managers, but we won't enable drone control via mobile devices. It's crucial to maintain a professional and secure approach to commercial drone operations," he explained.

Elsight is a key player in the drone delivery revolution, providing essential technology that enhances the reliability and functionality of drones.

As the industry grows, Amitai admits Elsight is well-positioned to lead the way, driven by its innovative approach and commitment to delivering reliable communication solutions.

"Elsight's technology is disrupting the communication market," Amitai added. "We are at the tipping point of the drone industry, and the future growth potential is immense. We're excited about the road ahead and our role in shaping the future of drone delivery services."

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