Govt launches improved online services for businesses
Commerce Minister Craig Foss and Revenue Minister Todd McClay have announced the launch of an integrated Employer Registration service, making it easier for newly-formed companies to communicate with Government.
The Employer Registration (ER) service is available on the Companies Office website and means businesses will only need to supply key information to government once, saving time and expense.
“Integrating employer registration with company incorporation is just one of the ways government agencies are working together to deliver better public services, with integrated digital services designed to meet business needs,” Foss says.
Employer registration is part of the New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) work programme, a Better Public Services initiative to make it easier for businesses to interact with government.
Previously, companies could opt to register for income tax and GST and obtain their IRD/GST number when they incorporate online, and would have had to visit Inland Revenue’s website to register for PAYE and FBT as an employer, duplicating most of the information already provided to the Companies Office.
“The Government wants departments to cut business costs and red tape, so businesses can get on with business,” McClay adds.
263 employers have taken advantage of the new service since its soft launch on 27 February 2014.
“Inland Revenue is already changing, and has put a lot of effort into exploring more efficient services that cut costs for businesses," McClay says. "The new employer registration service will make it much easier to register for PAYE, and is one more example.
“Over the next few years people can expect to see many more service innovations across government."
For information on Employer Registration visit: www.business.govt.nz/companies/learn-about/starting-a-company/how-to-apply/ird-information/register-as-an-employer
For NZBN-related information visit: www.mbie.govt.nz/what-we-do/better-public-services/nzbn