It's full steam ahead for New Zealand's 'Kiwi Connection' in Vietnam
Vietnam-based tech hub "Kiwi Connection" has attracted 100 Kiwi entrepreneurs, managers and executives in the last nine months, and hub director Mitchell Pham says there's much more to come.
According to the company, the hub allows Kiwis to visit major South East Asia markets to boost export opportunities, access investment capital and investigate the talent pool - something that New Zealand lacks.
"We are providing a vital bridge for Kiwi tech businesses to speed-up entry and business growth in South East Asia, where there is a huge and rapidly growing pool of talent, capital, customers as well as massive digital economy and consumption appetite," Pham says.
Pham has been working with organisers to conduct a business trip to Vietnam, Thailand and possibly Myanmar to help facilitate New Zealand exports in technology, food, beverage and retail sectors.
"The trail-blazing visit in August will be led by ASEAN-New Zealand Business Council in collaboration with ExportNZ, KEA and the Kiwi Connection Tech Hub and with support from NZTE, MFAT and the Asia New Zealand Foundation," Pham says.
He says the University of Auckland Business School is helping 11 Kiwi businesses develop their market entry strategies, plans and connections for the Vietnam market.
But that's not all - FinTechNZ has also brought its own services to the game.
"Thirdly FinTechNZ will lead a trade mission to Singapore and Vietnam later this year involving Kiwi FinTech business leaders who will attend the regional FinTech conference in Singapore and connect with the rapidly growing Vietnam market in November. This FinTechNZ trip is in collaboration with the Kiwi Connection Tech Hub and with support from NZTech and NZTE," Pham says.
Kiwi Connection is a joint partnership between Augen Software, New Zealand Trade - Enterprise and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
"While Augen and the tech hub focus on assisting tech businesses, technology is not a silo sector but rather a part of the bigger picture that is NZ Inc and the NZ story," Pham says.
"This is further affirmed by the government's inclusion of tech sector and digital exports in the recently released NZ Trade Agenda 2030, as ways to both grow and diversify export. It is why our Kiwi tech hub is working with a wide range of collaborating partners and engage in many initiatives," he concludes.