Just days to go until more choice in .nz domain names
In just a few days the second level .nz hierarchy you're so used to seeing will undergo a major change.
You'll be most familiar with second level domains like .net.nz and .geek.nz but there's many others too such as .co.nz, .org.nz, and .govt.nz.
Here's what's happening. From 1pm on September 30, these second level domains will become optional. You could register .nz names with them, without them or both.
This means that from September 30 you'll also start seeing shorter .nz names like anyname.nz – these new types of domain name are shorter, simpler and, for many people, far more representative.
The change allowing these shorter, simpler .nz names has come about thanks to a decision from the body responsible for .nz domain names, InternetNZ, and its subsidiary company, the Domain Name Commission (DNC).
As part of its outreach activities the DNC is letting people who already have a .nz domain name know about the change through a special website at anyname.nz. For those who don't have a .nz domain name, information is being provided at .nz's getyourselfonline website.
These new kinds of .nz names spell a major change in the .nz domain name space. And the go-live date – September 30 – isn't that far away. So, whether you've already got a .nz domain name – or are thinking of getting one – the clock to 'go-live' is ticking and there are some important things for you to know about what's happening.
Don't have an existing .nz name, but want one? If you're in the market for a .nz domain name this change will expand the choices you've got available. In short, the upcoming launch of these new .nz names will be a golden opportunity for you to explore setting up a brand new online presence.
That's not so hard to do. A good place to start is .nz's getyourselfonline website. There's a wealth of information there, including details of registrars who are offering Registrations of Interest pages. So, if you're curious about registering an available new .nz name, go check it out.
Have a .nz name? You could have first dibs If you've got a .nz name and are keen on getting the shorter version it's important that you talk to your domain name provider or visit the anyname.nz website to check the status of your name.
Anyname.nz is the authoritative place to go for information on the change. It's important you go there because, depending on when you originally registered your name, you'll find there're different options open to you.
You may find for instance that you're eligible to register or reserve the shorter version of your .nz name before anyone else.
You may also find that your .nz name is listed as 'conflicted'. If, for example, you've got a .net.nz name others might have .co.nz or .org.nz versions. If this is the case, you'll be able to have your say on who might get the shorter version.
The more things change, the more they stay the same
If you're simply not interested in this change, that's fine. Your .nz name will continue to work as it always has and you'll still be able to register and use names under the existing endings you know and love – like '.co.nz' and '.org.nz'.
Remember, if you've already got a .nz domain name, you should talk to your domain name provider or visit the anyname.nz website to check the status of your name and find out what the change might mean for you.
If you don't have a .nz domain name and are curious about how this change could open up new possibilities for you then .nz's www.getyourselfonline.co.nz website is the place to go. We'll see you there…