Kiwi company launches to help others do the same
Digitisation has certainly made starting a business a lot easier. Physical shops? Who needs them! Newspaper advertising? Who reads them!
Well, that is the perception of outsiders, but they soon realise that while the process is somewhat more streamlined, there are still a lot of things to organise.
Things like website design, security, search engine presence and hosting are all major features that if not done correctly, can spell disaster for your business. Getting it right often isn't cheap, either.
These were the thoughts of Dan and Beth Lacey from Papamoa, who recently launched their company 'The One Stop Web' with the goal to make it affordable for entrepreneurs to set up their own business and to give existing small businesses a boost.
Essentially, this new initiative provides customers with all the tools they need to set up a successful website and business, all based on a monthly payment. They describe the payment system as similar to outsourcing your web department or the ongoing relationship you'd have with your accountant.
Having worked in the industry the last 10 years, Dan Lacey says he has seen lots of potential entrepreneurs with great ideas but without the tools or funds their business needed to get started and become successful.
"I want to make it easy and affordable for anyone to create a successful business, whether it be their main business, a side-business or an existing business which just needs a boost," Lacey says. "There are a lot of talented people in New Zealand who just need a platform to advertise their skills and show how successful they can be."
To promote the launch of their business that helps other businesses, The One Stop Web are giving away a free website, which comes with hosting and a whole lot of other extras on a lifetime deal.