Kiwi company launches I Want Work website
A new Kiwi-based job search website has been launched as a tool for job hunters to post ads, providing a place for employers to find new staff.
I Want Work is designed as a win/win for both sides of the job equation, the company says.
"We have been driven to create this resource by the fact that until now there has been no where for employers to simply go and find staff as required," says a spokesperson from I Want Work. "For people seeking employment it's one place they can go to let employers know they are out there and waiting to work.
According to the company, hiring a new employee shouldn't be an 'expensive headache'. The company is offering I Want Work free of charge; in the hopes the offer will help build the site's popularity. According to the website, the first 500 job hunters can create a listing for free. After that, a standard basic listing is available for 90 days at $29, while a 'featured' listing will set a job hunter back $39 for a 90-day listing. Job hunters can also add images to their listings.
The company says users have so far responded with enthusiasm to the website. Kiwis from all regions across New Zealand can register and post a "I Want Work" listing.
For employers, companies can create an "employer account", browse through job hunter listings, can message any potential candidates.
"Never before has there been a resource like I Want Work available to the NZ employer. A complete directory of keen people looking for work," the company says.