Kiwis show 'room for improvement' with cyber security in the workplace
Connect smart week was held last week throughout New Zealand with the theme to improve cyber security awareness and capability of Kiwis in the workplace.
The "How Cyber Smart Are You?" quiz is part of a suite of resources released during the week to help individuals and workplaces to stay secure online.
Within the quiz, 97% of people know what a strong password is and 99% can tell the importance of updating software and installing security patches.
Nearly 3,700 people have taken the quiz since it launched last week. Paul Ash, director of the National Cyber Policy Office says so far the results have been positive, but there's still room for improvement.
"Ransomware was also among the top three questions people answered incorrectly - which is a concern given we are increasingly seeing businesses held "ransom" by cyber attackers who lock down an organisation's data until a fee is paid," he explains.
Only around 70% of respondents know the definition of ransomware, and even less are familiar with two-factor authentication.
Of the people that have taken the quiz so far 1,181 were in Wellington followed by 714 in Auckland, 499 in Waikato and 370 in Canterbury. Almost half of those who took the quiz (1,664) worked in central or local government, or in IT.
During the Week, organisations across the country have run campaigns to help employees protect themselves online and prevent cyber incidents.
"The good news is that help is available," says Ash.
"There is a range of great resources for individuals and businesses on the Connect Smart website. Employees at all levels have a role to play in protecting the information that belongs to their workplace.
Organisers behind the initiative believe the resources, including the quiz, have helped to build awareness and increase knowledge about good cyber practice in the workplace.
"Cyber security is a 24/7 issue," explains Ash.
"It is important that organisations and employees remain focused on staying secure online all year round, and not just during Connect Smart Week. Connect Smart resources can be used to run an event or to promote online security at any time of the year," he says.
"It is not complicated - a few basic steps can mean your personal information or your work information is more secure. Resources like the quiz can make it fun.