NZ leading the way with app-based transport, global report finds
New Zealand is leading the way when it comes to app-based transport, according to new information from the Government.
A new report from the International Transport Forum has revealed New Zealand is leading other countries in its approach to regulating app-based transport services.
Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss attended the ITF Ministerial Summit in Leipzig, Germany last week where the 'App-Based Ride and Taxi Services' report was launched.
"The ITF's recommendations and principles endorse the changes the Government announced last month," says Foss.
"By simplifying the rules and maintaining a strong safety focus, New Zealand has become the standard-bearer for international best practice in this sector," he explains.
"While many other Governments are coming under pressure to regulate, our flexible and innovative approach is enabling all New Zealanders and businesses based in New Zealand to enjoy the benefits of new technology," Foss adds.
The report recommends governments:
• Encourage innovative and more flexible regulation of for-hire transport services
• Keep the regulation framework of for-hire passenger transport services as simple and uniform as possible
• Focus policy regarding for-hire passenger transport on the needs of consumers and society
• Embrace data-led regulation to improve societal outcomes