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Silicon Valley natives to visit New Zealand

Wed, 29th Apr 2015
FYI, this story is more than a year old

Wharf42, the New Zealand-based business connector, has announced two of Silicon Valley's thought leaders are set to visit New Zealand at the beginning of May to share what they know about the current tech and investment landscape.

Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures managing director, and Adiba Barney, Silicon Valley Forum CEO, will feature at events in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch.

Peter Wren-Hilton, Wharf42 founder, says, "Wharf42 is working with Silicon Valley Forum, Garage Technology Ventures, Plug and Play and other entrepreneurial and investment networks in the valley to help open up this vast ecosystem to potential high growth New Zealand tech companies.

"This visit is part of a longer term strategy to help New Zealand entrepreneurs and investors meet and connect directly with key members of that ecosystem," he says.

Reichert says he will focus on the U.S. market and Silicon Valley ecosystem, as well as offering opportunities for start-ups with Garage Technology Ventures.

"New Zealand is well-known as a country where innovation is of the highest international standard.

"Taking that innovation offshore and effectively commercialising it however means that tech companies need to understand the market they are targeting," he says. Barney says, "I am excited to be meeting the local entrepreneur and investor community. SV Forum is dedicated to assisting start-ups from around the world connect with the Silicon Valley ecosystem.

"We are delighted to be working with the team at Wharf42 to help New Zealand entrepreneurs along that journey.

The visit of Reichert and Barney is being supported by Wharf42 along with Callaghan Innovation, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, Grow Wellington, Canterbury Development Corporation - ASB Bank.

For the New Zealand event itinerary click here.

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