Sneak peaks of Adobe’s newest tools and features
Adobe Sneaks is a key part of any Adobe event - it's essentially a taster course of the new technologies being worked on in the development labs.
At sneaks, a range of presenters highlight different projects, complete with demonstrations, which may or may not make it into future creative products or services.
The Sneaks session at this years' MAX creative conference, held last week in Los Angeles, put the spotlight on some of the latest innovations from the company.
Some projects have been listed below:
3D Portraits
While photoshop can already create 3D images, 3D portraits is a new feature that turns faces into 3D printed objects.
Portraits automatically detects where a person's eyes and face are, and then allows the user to select the points where the hair, neck and shoulders sit.
The 3D rendering can be sent to a 3D printer and voila, a portrait bust with texture, detail and accurate dimensions is created.
With Louper, anyone can search for an image with another image. Dragging and dropping any image into the box will generate similar images, detecting the original's style, colour, composition and texture.
If a user wants to further refine a search, they can drag and drop in another image.
Defusing Photobomb
This tool allows users to remove parts of an image from the background by using a slider function – be they people in the background, an unexpected object, or even a distracting light source.
Deep Font
Using a unique algorithm, the new Font Capture app allows users to take a picture of any font – for instance font on a bus stop advert, album art, or stationery – and the app will generate the name of that font.
The app can recognise 7,500 fonts at present, and with deep learning, this number is growing.
Project Mystro
Project Maestro is a new app that uses simple and natural touch to make static images dynamic by adding simple animation to a scene.
On an iPad or tablet users can record their finger's movement in real time, adding motions to an object. On top of this, user's can also add behaviours to the objects, such as a 'wiggle'.
Project Comet
Comet brings designers the ability to use realistic sample content when creating a design.
Users can also drag and drop in real data from a file, website or the cloud to use content as close to the final product as possible.
Project Dollhouse
This feature utilises a device's camera to capture the perspective of buildings, both inside and out.
Once the perspectives and vanishing points have been captured, users can use Illustrator to draw over the top, using the initial building as inspiration.
Project Faces
Another font based feature, Project Faces, enables users to adapt a font to their specific requirements and create a customised font without starting from scratch.
They can change the thickness, adjust specific letters, tweak serifs, italicise the entire font, shift the skeleton points, and more.
Project Boxcar
Project Boxcar makes the process of adjusting audio to fit video easier.
Users drag and drop in an audio file, line up parts of the video to the audio, and then remix the song so musical change points match key points in the video.
Extract Shading
Extract shading is a Photoshop tool that enables users to separate an image into layers and edit shading and lighting separately. Once a user has edited the flat image and the shadows, they can merge the two back together.
Monument mode
A camera application, Monument Mode brings users the ability to take photos of landmarks and sites without additional people or distracting features in the shot.
The app uses a new algorithm to distinguish moving objects from fixed ones, and delete obstructing features.