To telemarket or not to telemarket
Tele-technology has been a key tool of business marketers for a long time now. Many companies benefit from using telecommunication, and especially telemarketing, to provide lead generation, and thereby reduce cost per sale, increase qualified leads, and ultimately produce a greater volume of sales
Online marketing is on the rise, but telemarketing continues to be a key component of most businesses’ marketing toolkits, combining proven effectiveness with measurable results.
Is your product suitable for telemarketing?
To get the best from telemarketing your product needs to be easy to describe on the phone. Telemarketing provides the personal touch that can direct a prospect to your website for more information, and even talk through some of the more technical points if that’s the nature of your business.
This also shows how telemarketing can work as just one tool in the box alongside other media. With the right product, and in conjunction with a website, and possibly coverage in other media like print or radio, telemarketing can quickly educate potential target clients about who you are, what you are selling, and why they should buy it. .
Can any salesperson become a telemarketer?
The answer is yes! However, if we add the word ‘good’, it becomes more complicated. All sales people don’t make good telemarketers. It takes great communication skills, a lot of patience, and above all being mentally strong. The three words of ‘look, listen and learn’ are very apt in the telemarketing world.
We at Teleservices have a selection formula for taking on staff, and once selected, we put them through a rigorous training session until we are satisfied they have what it takes to become a great telemarketer. Before any staff are put onto a campaign, they must understand clearly a client’s product or research data, then follow through with a role-play exercise. All calls are monitored, giving Teleservices instant feedback, so that adjustments can be made where necessary. We also provide ongoing training, to ensure that all calls made are outstanding.
Do I call at random?
The answer must in most cases be no. Working with Teleservices we process our calls either by visiting a client’s own database or our own extensive database in a selective way, for example by location, business type and so on. By working this way the service is cost-effective and reaches only genuine prospects.
By spending some time defining your objectives, then looking at what marketing tools are around to fit your budget, you could find Telemarketing is a cost effective way to produce confirmed results.
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