ViewSonic and Best Wave team up for do-it-yourself digital signage
ViewSonic has teamed up with digital signage software vendor Best Wave to deliver 'do-it-yourself' digital signage software solutions which the companies say makes digital signage accessible to all businesses.
Mike Holstein, ViewSonic Americas vice president of business development and emerging technologies, says the partnership means ViewSonic can now offer combined hardware and software solutions to meet any digital signage needs.
The partnership sees ViewSonic's commercial displays teamed with Best Wave's digital display software to provide a complete digital signage solution which ViewSonic says 'anyone can setup and manage'.
Best Wave's DisplayIt!Xpress, which supports both Windows and Android media players, enables users to manage a virtually unlimited number of digital signs.
Built to meet demand for 'do it yourself' digital signage, the offering enables users to develop digital signs, without learning complicated content creation tools or the need for design services, with the end product not requiring extensive IT support.
Playlists can be created from existing content, or new signage presentations can be created in PowerPoint and other familiar applications.
Optional on-screen widgets, including clock, calendar, weather and scrolling text or RSS feeds are available, and content updates are delivered by LAN, WAN, shared folder, cloud storage or USB drive.
The companies say the offering is user-friendly and affordable and is targeted at customers ranging from SMB to enterprise corporations, education and government organisations.
"Our extensive line of display products, together with this innovative software, gives more customers the ability to deliver world-class digital messaging," Holstein says.
John Glitsos, Best Wave president and founder, says DisplayIt!Xpress, while easy to use, includes advanced features to accommodate even the most demanding signage applications.
The companies say they expect their combined offering to appeal to a wide variety of environments, including break room and work area signs in companies, campus-wide displays showing class schedules, maps, cafeteria menus or sports team news at schools, and in restaurants and retail outlets.
Government, healthcare and hospitality are also target markets.