How effective is social media for Kiwi SMBs?
A new online survey will determine how effective social media is for Kiwi businesses.
The survey was instigated by Kathleen Boyd, director of online communications and digital marketing firm OMG Solutions. Boyd says it is the first of its kind in New Zealand.
The survey aims to provide details on the most popular social media platforms and how small and large businesses are using them.
OMG Solutions has teamed up with Easy Social Media, Socialites and Cre8ive Advertising to get the survey underway.
"We have four independent companies from around the country coming together to collectively gather data that can be shared to provide a big picture of how social media is used," says Boyd.
"There is a solid case for why businesses need to be online and social media forms a large part of marketing strategies for many businesses," she says.
"The information gathered from this survey will be valuable and form a foundation from which New Zealand businesses can benchmark their results.
Involved in the survey are Wendy Thompson, CEO of Socialites, a social media marketing company based in Auckland; Jef Kay, director of Easy Social Media based in Auckland, Christchurch and Sydney; Philippa Crick, director of Cre8ive Advertising, a strategy, branding, design and digital marketing company based in Dunedin.